My name is Ted R Nelson, I usually just use Ted, President of Rocky Mtn. Loan Consultants, Inc. Briefly, my background is over 25 years in bank lending (commercial and agriculture) wrapped around 14 years with the US Small Business Administration (SBA) loan guarantee program. I retired from SBA as Chief, Finance Division, Colorado District SBA Office. I was in charge of up to six loan officers processing SBA business loans. At one time, I signed off on the approval of all the SBA loans in Colorado. Since I retired, the position no longer exists with SBA as the Agency has centralized processing. Then back to banking as Senior Vice President of the SBA loan dept. for a Denver, CO bank. In its best year, the bank approved over 250 SBA loans. I graduated from the Colorado School of Banking, in the mid ’70s, at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

Let's talk

Cheyenne, Wyoming
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Cheyenne, Wyoming
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Rocky Mtn. Loan Consultants, Inc
Cheyenne, Wyoming
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Who We Are

What we do
As a Loan Broker, we work with the borrower to connect with a large, SBA-approved, lender. Usually a bank. Other lenders have declined some of our best clients. A good portion of The SBA loan application is in the borrower's format. We'll be able to provide guidance to the borrower, on the appropriate information and the proper presentation for a good application. Examples would be the financial statements and the projected income to repay the loan.
We provide suggestions on assembling and presenting the loan application. We do not engage in an analysis of the application, that is up to the lender, nor do we provide an opinion on the creditworthiness.

How it works
The loan process usually starts with an informal discussion of the borrower's needs and a business description. As a Loan Broker, we are available to assist the applicant in organizing the data and suggestions on presentation to increase the likelihood of approval. Again, we want to stress that we do not make any credit analysis or approval determination, that is the lender's responsibility.
We do not charge the borrower a fee for our service, our fee is paid by the funding lender. The applicant is always free to discuss issues. In fact, we encourage the borrower to do so. Our contact information:
Or Ted's personal email:

Note: We do not charge borrowers a broker fee. We work with one of the top SBA lenders in the country. We have a referral letter from the bank, if you would like a copy, just ask.
Note: All inquiries from outside the US are not eligible and will be ignored.
Note: Loans under $500,000 will be processed under an exception criteria for loan requests from well established businesses.
Feel Free to Contact Us
To request an application, any of required forms, just discuss an issue. (no charge)